For many, Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. Most importantly, it’s also time to get away from things.
That can mean visiting relatives you haven’t seen in ages, going to parties or just going on a bit of a road trip. After all, the holidays are here and
we’re all taking a well-deserved break to spend with the people we love the most.
And that includes our auto locksmiths in Melbourne!
Yes, it’s the holidays for our car locksmiths too – don’t worry though! We aren’t going on a long holiday and leaving you without emergency locksmith coverage
for too long.
Our team will still be around in the lead-up to the holiday break, ensuring that you’ll still have access to an emergency auto locksmith should you run into key, lock and ignition problems while you’re:
- Doing last-minute Christmas shopping
- Driving to Christmas parties
- Visiting relatives for pre-Christmas events

Our auto locksmiths are going on holiday!
Like many of you are doing, our auto locksmiths in Melbourne are taking a well-deserved break until the 5th of January.
Every day leading up to Christmas, however, it will be business as usual – we’ll be on the road, applying our trade as always.
Our emergency locksmith services will still be available to you in the lead-up to the holidays. We will continue to unlock doors, replace broken keys and
more when you call us before Christmas.
Our standard emergency auto locksmith hours apply – call us at anytime between 9am and 5pm and then 5pm to 10:30pm (for after hours emergency service),
and we’ll be there as always.
Make sure you don’t need a car locksmiths over Christmas at all
Our auto locksmiths in Melbourne understand that when you do find yourself in a sticky situation, it rarely happens at a time that is convenient to you.
In the worst case scenario, it may even happen on one of the days we’re closed!
So, how do you avoid needing our services when we’re not available?
The answer is simple: by taking the necessary steps to ensure you don’t need our help to begin with.Things go wrong all the time. Even the most organised
people in the world find themselves in hot water sometimes.
Luckily, there are a handful of precautions you can you take to make sure you don’t wind up needing our help at all over the holidays.
In addition to helping you over Christmas, these are simply good habits to get into regardless!
Invest in a keyfinder
There’s lots of different gizmos and gadgets out there that will help you to find your keys. Our favourite is the Tile.
The Tile itself is bluetooth enabled, and will sync to an application on your phone.
You can simply tap a button on your phone and the Tile will emit a loud noise to let you know where your keys are.
Other similar apps take this idea a step further – instead of simply emitting a sound, they use GPS to give you an exact location of your car keys!
Isn’t the future amazing?
2) Give your keys a home
How many times have you panicked upon discovering that you can’t find your car keys, and spend minutes searching the house in a panic before realising
that, oh, they were simply in a slightly different location from normal?
Don’t be ashamed – even our car locksmiths in Melbourne have done this once or twice!
The best way to avoid this? By creating a dedicated spot for your keys to go.
This is a very simple task – if you aren’t already doing then you definitely should.
Consider a bowl or peg. As soon as it becomes habit to leave your keys here, you can expect the number of times you “lose” your keys to drop significantly.
Just be sure that your chosen spot can’t be seen from the front window, as that might attract would-be thieves!
3) Keep a spare set of keys with a close friend of family member
At this time of year, it’s a good idea to leave a key with someone you will be celebrating the holidays with. In an emergency, this can potentially save
you a bunch of time!
If you ask us, Christmas is probably one of the few times that this is a feasible strategy. Since everyone is on break, you won’t have to worry about relatives
being unavailable to help out if worst comes to worst.
Just be sure that whoever you choose to leave a spare key with, they are going to be in town when you need them to be – there’s no point in leaving a key
with them if you can’t pick up the key or they can’t come over to help when you need it!
If you need an emergency auto locksmith in Melbourne, you need Galmier Locksmiths
Don’t forget that our emergency car locksmiths we still be available for some of the holidays – you can still count on us to come through for you if you
find yourself in a jam!
We’re equipped to help you get out a lot of sticky situations too!
- Lost car keys
- Keys locked in car
- Transponder keys
- Locked yourself out of your house
- Broken key
- Damaged locks
So, don’t hesitate to give our auto locksmiths in Melbourne a call these holidays for emergency auto locksmith service.
You can reach us on 0407 022 234 – give us a ring, or bookmark our number, just in case!