Recently, we talked about the principles that power your car remote.

Today, we thought we’d revisit that topic, but from a slightly different angle.

Instead of looking at the principles that power your remote, today we’ll be focusing on how an auto locksmith can help you out when something goes wrong
with your remote.

master auto locksmith melbourne

But first, a quick recap

If you don’t have time to go over last month’s post, here’s a quick summary of everything it contained,

Basically, modern car remotes operate on a “rolling” code.
Instead of being assigned a unique code, each vehicle instead generates a brand-new single-use code each time the remote is pressed.

This maximises security, and makes it extremely difficult to spoof your car remote.

Some of the most common problems with car remotes include dead batteries and broken remotes, both of which are fairly self-explanatory.

A less common problem is desyncing. When your remote and car desynchronize, they are no longer using the same codes, rendering your remote useless.


Why call an auto locksmith for car remote replacement?

Yes, there are plenty of YouTube tutorials and how-tos out there. If you really wanted to, you could try your hand at DIY, and crack open your car remote.

However, this isn’t something we recommend!

When it comes to car remotes, we strongly suggest leaving it to an automotive locksmith.

Why’s that?


Reason 1: most manufacturers nowadays use all-in-one combos

When was the last time you saw a separate car key and remote? Not for a while, we’ll bet – in our experience, many manufacturers have shifted to all-in-one
key fobs.

That means the remote, transponder and the physical key itself are all part of the same fob.

No doubt this has its advantages – namely, there’s no longer any need to carry separate fobs and remotes anymore – however, it also comes with a couple
of major disadvantages.

The first is if you lose this fob, in some cases it will be a lot harder to get back into your car.

And the second is that it makes DIY completely impossible for most (not that we recommend it, anyway!)


How all-in-one fobs make DIY impossible

Thanks to all-in-one fobs, if you lose your remote, you’ll also have to cut a new key and program a transponder in addition to programming a new remote.

While you can buy a new battery for your remote at Bunnings, what you can’t buy are key-cutters!

Cutting a key requires special equipment – doing it manually with a file is time-consuming, and can take hours of your time.

What’s more, many manufacturers have moved to more sophisticated grooves in their keys for added security. This has the added side-effect of making it
considerably harder to cut keys on your own.


Reason: aftermarket parts might not be compatible

Let’s say you decide to embark on your own DIY car remote replacement. You
order in aftermarket key blanks and fobs online from a store that offers prices that are almost too good to be true.

There’s just one problem: there’s no guarantee that aftermarket key blanks, remotes and transponders will be compatible with your vehicle at all!

Like we mentioned above, many manufacturers have their own unique systems for added security.

Beyond needing to know if you need a remote, transponder, fob, or all three, you also must be sure that the aftermarket electronic car keys you are buying
work for your make and model of automobile.

And as anyone who’s ever purchased online knows, many online vendors lie about their listings!

Don’t risk it – instead, leave it to a professional auto locksmith.

We carry a range of remotes, key blanks and fobs which are compatible with a wide range of different car brands. This allows you to enjoy full functionality
with your replacement key remote.

car key fob keyless entry

Need an auto locksmith?

So you’ve lost, broken or run into a dysfunctional car remote. Alternatively, you’ve run into a problem with your lock or ignition chamber.

Whatever the issue, if it involves cars and keys, we strongly recommend getting in touch with an auto locksmith.

Galmier Locksmiths comes to you wherever you are in Melbourne’s south-east.
We service all of Bayside, as well as suburbs in Kingston, Monash, Glen Eira and even some of Melbourne’s inner suburbs.

Our automotive locksmiths also offer after-hours, emergency locksmithing service.
We know that running into key, lock and remote problems can happen at any time of day, which is why we operate out-of-hours.

Contact Galmier auto locksmiths today on 0407 022 234 or fill in the form to get your car keys and remotes replace on-the-spot.